
Fresh Greens 002> ECTOCOOLER

WAMP WAMP. Its hott out.. Grab some of these

and chillll out with our good friend Johnvonb aka Ectocooler. He's got it zoned in for our second edition of our Fresh Greens mix series of local BSTN talent.

He's takes us for a ride through the dirtiest parts of Allston with some sino grime and spaced out future garage & funky tracks, while closing the mix with a track off the one of the biggest WTFF!!! YES moments of 2010. Wiley's IMMMBAKKKK 10zipfile give away (DL Below). Ecto exclusive remix of the game changing Kode 9 Sino grime '05 mini mix.


BENGA - Stop Watching
IKONIKA - Psoriasis (Edit)
SCUBA - Tense (Ramadanman Remix)
ROOF LIGHT - Harlem Power
FISCHERLE - Pneumatyk
DARK SKY - Drowned City
KODE 9 - Sinogrime Minimix '05 (ecto's miniermix '10)
AFRIKA HITECH - Too Late (Dub, Instrumental)
MERKY ACE - Actually
WILEY - Fame and Money



FRESH GREENS MIX 001> Donovan Sharp & Kid K

PS. ESSENTIAL. Might put up some highlight tracks once I fully digest this beast.

pps. More exclusive mixes in the next week. Up next. New DJ No Requests, Donovan Sharp & Kid K.

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